douzong6649 2019-08-18 09:03
浏览 53

如何使用Laravel eloquent / collections计算PHP中类似键的总量

I currently have the below json response that the API is returning. I am able to return it using Laravel Eloquent. There are several users and each user has a several receipts. A receipt has types and status. I want to try to get the total sum amount for each receipt that is related to its type and status. I was able to return the below json response using

$this->user->with('receipts')->has('receipts')->get(['id', 'name']);

I have tried using multiple laravel collections methods But I am still unable to get the desired response.

        "id": 1,
        "name": "kent",
        "receipts": [
                "id": 1,
                "user_id": 1,
                "type_id": 1,
                "status": 0,
                "amount": 100
                "id": 2,
                "user_id": 1,
                "type_id": 1,
                "status": 0,
                "amount": 100
                "id": 3,
                "user_id": 1,
                "type_id": 2,
                "status": 1,
                "amount": 50
                "id": 4,
                "user_id": 1,
                "type_id": 2,
                "status": 0,
                "amount": 30
                "id": 5,
                "user_id": 1,
                "type_id": 2,
                "status": 0,
                "amount": 30
                "id": 6,
                "user_id": 1,
                "type_id": 1,
                "status": 0,
                "amount": 20
                "id": 7,
                "user_id": 1,
                "type_id": 1,
                "status": 1,
                "amount": 10
            "id": 2,
            "name": "allison",
            "receipts": [
                    "id": 9,
                    "user_id": 2,
                    "type_id": 1,
                    "status": 0,
                    "amount": 20

I expect to get the below

        "id": 1,
        "name": "kent",
        "receipts": [
                "performance and deleted": 220,
                "performance and not deleted": 10,
                "project and deleted": 60,
                "project and deleted": 50
        "id": 2,
        "name": "allison",
        "receipts": [
                "performance and deleted": 20,
                "performance and not deleted": 0,
                "project and deleted": 0,
                "project and not deleted": 0
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  • 普通网友 2019-08-18 10:09

    You should be able to get the sum of amount with

    $this->user->with(['receipts' => function($query) {
        $query->selectRaw("SUM(amount) as amount, type_id, status, user_id")->groupBy('type_id', 'status', 'user_id');
    }])->has('receipts')->get(['id', 'name']);

    You can use collection methods to get the desired output

    $this->user->with(['receipts' => function($query) {
        $query->selectRaw("SUM(amount) as amount, type_id, status, user_id")->groupBy('type_id', 'status', 'user_id');
    }])->has('receipts')->get(['id', 'name'])
    ->each(function ($user) {
            $user->receipts->mapWithKeys(function ($receipt) {
                return [
                    $receipt->type_id . ' and ' . $receipt->status => $receipt->amount // format the key as you wish
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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