I'm trying to perform a basic login operation where my view (front end part) accepts a username and password through a form
So in SQL, I must have an example query:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = $_POST['username'] AND password = $_POST['password'];
According to the official documentation of Elasticsearch PHP API, it must go like this:
$params = [
'index' => 'myIndex',
'type' => 'myType',
'body' => [
'query' => [
"bool" => [
"must" => [
"match" => [
"username" => 'email@email.com',
"match" => [
"password" => 'mypassword',
Unfortunately, it is displaying A LOT of documents so I presumed it's performing the OR operator instead of matching them together
FYI, if you would ever wonder why would there be so many documents displayed according to the "hits" property above, there are literally many user documents with the same password
Main Question
Is there any proper ES query to properly match my username AND
password so I could only retrieve one document? I've been searching through with the official documentation, but nothing succeeds the desired output
Thank you very much!