duanjiaolia97750 2015-08-19 08:01
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I am working on a project in which I have a table with 4 columns. I want to get the last non-empty data of the every column, such as It will show

  • column1 + its last non-empty data
  • column2 + its last non-empty data
  • column3 + its last non-empty data
  • column4 + its last non-empty data

So can you explain me which code is applied to do that

enter image description here

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  • duanlinzhen7235 2015-08-19 14:03

    I get it statically but is there any way for dynamically and use just only one array instead of $a, $b, $c

            while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) 
        if($row['name']!='' && $row['password']=='' && $row['username']=='' )
        if($row['name']=='' && $row['username']!='' && $row['password']=='')
        if($row['name']=='' && $row['username']=='' && $row['password']!='')
        echo "<tr>";
        echo '<td>'.$a['name'].'</td>';
        echo '<td>'.$a['username'].'</td>';
        echo '<td>'.$a['password'].'</td>';
        echo "</tr>";
        echo "<tr>";
        echo '<td>'.$b['name'].'</td>';
        echo '<td>'.$b['username'].'</td>';
        echo '<td>'.$b['password'].'</td>';
        echo "</tr>";
        echo "<tr>";
        echo '<td>'.$c['name'].'</td>';
        echo '<td>'.$c['username'].'</td>';
        echo '<td>'.$c['password'].'</td>';
        echo "</tr>";
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