I know there is openSSL but I just want to use encryption.
Here is exactly what I wish to do.
1) encrypt NSString in xcode(objective-c) with AES-128 or whatever encryption method that works
2) send the encrypted NSString to PHP server using POST method. The parameter that will be sent to PHP server would look something like:
3) PHP server receives that data with something like this:
$receivedStr1 = $_POST['fromClient1']; // string1
$receivedStr2 = $_POST['fromClient2']; // string2
4) let PHP server decode $receivedStr1 and $receivedStr2 into plain texts
I have looked at https://github.com/RNCryptor/RNCryptor, but it's all about NSData encryption.
How do you receive encrypted NSData in PHP?? I only know how to use
$fromClient = $_POST['someData'];
but it won't work if the whole parameter is encrypted...
Can anyone help me out?? The purpose of this is to send the user's password( = NSString) to PHP server securely.