I have a Table in my MySQL Database which looks like this:
Table: VAAW
ID int(11) PK AI
Voornaam varchar(45)
Achternaam varchar(45)
Adres varchar(45)
Woonplaats varchar(45)
I am using this table in the following php code:
$objQuery = mysql_query($strSQL);
while($objResult = mysql_fetch_array($objQuery))
$Voornaam = $objResult["Voornaam"];
$Achternaam = $objResult["Achternaam"];
$Adres = $objResult["Adres"];
$Woonplaats = $objResult["Woonplaats"];
$string = $_POST['naam'];
$vaaw = array("(voornaam)", "(achternaam)", "(woonplaats)", "(adres)");
$vervang = array("$Voornaam", "$Achternaam", "$Woonplaats","$Adres");
echo str_replace($vaaw, $vervang, $string);
echo '<br>';
What I use this for:
I have a form where I can add some tekst in a textbox and when I submit it will echo the result. For example if the Column 'Voornaam' contains the row 'Jack' and when I type in the textbox in my form: Hey (voornaam), it should output: Hey Jack.
I don't really know how to ask this question so I will give an example. If I for some reason want to change a column name in my database I will have to change this source code according to the column name changes.
The example:
If I change the column name 'voornaam' to 'Vnaam' I will also have to change
$Voornaam = $objResult["Voornaam"];
$Voornaam = $objResult["Vnaam"];
So my question is if there is any way to have some sort of standard for like the 1st column, 2nd colum etc. so I can add that in the code and will not have to change the source code every time I change a column name. Maybe there is a query function to do this? I know this question is kinda vague but I hope you understand, if not feel free to ask in the comments. Any help would be great since I have no clue how to do this!
NOTE: I know I should't be using mysql_* and I will switch to PDO later. So please don't mention that again.