dtziv24262 2012-06-03 09:33
浏览 174


My GOPATH is /Users/joe/go. I am working on a project called myproj, which is a package called myproj.

If I want to be able to write import "myproj" then the directory structure I need is:


However, I can't seem to make this fit with Git. If I look at an example package from Google I see the following format:


Where go.example is the name of the repo.

So the actual package directories are found inside the repository. If I put the contents of this repository in a directory on my $GOPATH, e.g.


then I will have to type import "go.example/hello" rather than import "hello".

Coming back to my project, I need to package this up in a Git repository then I need a container directory. So my current file structure is:

$GOPATH/src/myproj                        # The dir for the git repo
$GOPATH/src/myproj/LICENSE                # Files in the base of the repo
$GOPATH/src/myproj/myproj/myproj.go       # Package files in package dir

I need the outer myproj directory to bound the git repository and I need the inner one to be the package directory. The upshot is that I need to type import "myproj/myproj" rather than import "myproj".

How do I fix this? Do I have to add multiple $GOPATHS, one for each project I'm developing?

Thanks in advance.

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  • dongli7870 2012-06-03 16:18

    First off:

    Do I have to add multiple $GOPATHs, one for each project I'm developing?

    No, you don’t need multiple $GOPATHs at all.

    They are a tool for managing your (potentially several) projects. When you set up a new project environment which you already know will have some dependencies - potentially unique to that project, or which should be similiar to other peoples setups, you create a new project folder and set it as the GOPATH. That way, you can also use (= check out) specific versions of a library for that project, while using other versions for your other projects in other project folders (= GOPATHs).

    As for your path issue: Go follows a generic paradigm of author/project (or organization/project). This will prevent naming clashes when several people, authors and organizations, start projects with the same names. (The author may then use sub-folders, sub-projects in “his” folder as well ofc.)

    If you are aware of this and still want to use only myproj as your package path, there is no problem in creating the git repository in that folder - in contrary to the example package you linked to.

    Coming back to my project, I need to package this up in a Git repository then I need a container directory.

    What makes you think so then? Go does not need it. Git does neither.

    So the following will work:


    While it is not the encouraged practice, you can put the repository into your myproj folder.

    I tested this as follows:


    With folder/src/myproj/myproj.go

    package myproj
    type My struct {
        I int

    and folder/src/mainproj/main.go

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        my := myproj.My{7}
        fmt.Printf("Works! %v", my.I)


    cd FOLDER
    go run src/mainproj/main.go

    will output:

    Works! 7

    Now, if you git init in the folder FOLDER/src/myproj, that does not matter to Go itself at all.

    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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