dshm8998473 2014-06-02 17:43
浏览 55


The name of a function parameter in go is optional. meaning the following is legal

func hello(string) {


func main() {

(Go Playground link)

How can I refer to the 1. argument (declared with a type of string) argument in the foo() function ?

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  • dpt1712 2014-06-02 17:52

    The only use of unnamed parameters is when you have to define a function with a specific signature. For instance, I have this example in one of my projects:

    type export struct {
        f func(time.Time, time.Time, string) (interface{}, error)
        folder    string

    And I can use both of these functions in it:

    func ExportEvents(from, to time.Time, name string) (interface{}, error)
    func ExportContacts(from, to time.Time, _ string) (interface{}, error)

    Even though in the case of ExportContacts, I do not use the string parameter. In fact, without naming this parameter, I have no way of using it in this function.

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