I can't seem to figure out why this isn't working
type HostProperties struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:HostProperties"`
Info []InfoList `xml:"tag"`
type InfoList struct {
HostEnd string `xml:",chardata"`
PatchSummary string `xml:",chardata"`
CPE1 string `xml:",chardata"`
CPE0 string `xml:",chardata"`
SystemType string `xml:",chardata"`
OperatingSystem string `xml:",chardata"`
MacAddress string `xml:",chardata"`
Traceroute string `xml:",chardata"`
IP string `xml:",chardata"`
FQDN string `xml:",chardata"`
HostStart string `xml:",chardata"`
<tag name="HOST_END">Thu Feb 20 12:38:24 2014</tag>
<tag name="patch-summary-total-cves">4</tag>
<tag name="cpe-1">cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:5.6 -> OpenBSD OpenSSH 5.6</tag>
<tag name="cpe-0">cpe:/o:vmware:esx_server</tag>
<tag name="system-type">hypervisor</tag>
<tag name="operating-system">VMware ESXi</tag>
<tag name="mac-address">00:00:00:00:00:00</tag>
<tag name="traceroute-hop-0"></tag>
<tag name="host-ip"></tag>
<tag name="host-fqdn">foobar.com</tag>
<tag name="HOST_START">Thu Feb 20 12:30:14 2014</tag>
{HostEnd: PatchSummary: CPE1: CPE0: SystemType: OperatingSystem: MacAddress: Traceroute: IP: FQDN: HostStart:}
It creates a bunch of new slices with only the first element filled in and even then it's the wrong element. It's not filling out the other variables. The rest of the file seems to parse fine, just can't figure out this part.