Given the following struct:
type book struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"DailyAct"`
Symbol string `xml:"TradeInstrId,attr"`
EntityId string `xml:"EntityId,attr"`
AssetClass string `xml:"AssetClass,attr"`
Open int `xml:"Open"`
High int `xml:"High"`
Low int `xml:"Low"`
Close int `xml:"Close"`
// Type string `` //I'll leave this for another question
My current XML:
<DailyAct EntityId="foo" AssetClass="bar" TradeInstrId="Symbol" >
But, I need to repurpose certain fields of the struct (or generate xml another way) to achieve:
<DailyAct EntityId="foo" AssetClass="bar" TradeInstrId="Symbol">
<Open Price="2" Type="IND"/>
<High Price="6" Type="IND"/>
<Low Price="1" Type="IND"/>
<Close Price="4" Type="IND"/>
But I get: &errors.errorString{s:"xml: DailyAct>Open chain not valid with Price,attr flag"} (actual)
when I try to nest fields like so:
type book struct {
Open int `xml:"DailyAct>Open,Price,attr>"`
Edit: I found this discussion, while googling around so what I'm going for may not be feasible currently