doushangan3690 2016-08-06 22:07
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This question already has an answer here:

It it possible in Golang to use more than one name for a JSON struct tag ?

type Animation struct {
    Name    string  `json:"name"`
    Repeat  int     `json:"repeat"`
    Speed   uint    `json:"speed"`
    Pattern Pattern `json:"pattern",json:"frames"`
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  • douke1905 2016-08-06 22:24

    See How to define multiple name tags in a struct on how you can define multiple tags on one struct field.

    You can also use a type Info map[string]interface{} instead of your struct.

    Or you can use both types in your structure, and make method Details() which will return right pattern.

    type Animation struct {
        Name    string  `json:"name"`
        Repeat  int     `json:"repeat"`
        Speed   uint    `json:"speed"`
        Pattern Pattern `json:"pattern"`
        Frame   Pattern `json:"frames"`
    func (a Animation) Details() Pattern {
        if a.Pattern == nil {
            return a.Frame
        return a.Pattern
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