I was looking at golang validators and want to know how I can validate two fields together?
I am sending a json body over a request and decoding the body into this struct. Of the two parameters in the body(ID1 & ID2), one of them must be present. So, I want to validate the case where both aren't present.
type IDs struct {
ID1 int64 `json:"id_one"`
ID2 int64 `json:"id_two"`
How would I validate this using this package? https://godoc.org/gopkg.in/validator.v2
I went through the doc and couldn't find a way to do it.
I can do
type IDs struct {
ID1 int64 `json:"id_one" validate:"min=0"`
ID2 int64 `json:"id_two" validate:"min=0"`
but this still lets both to be absent, instead one of them should be present.
If it cant be done with this package, what are the other ways to do this?