doushi8186 2018-08-08 11:11
浏览 172


Say I want to accept an animal. The user can either set the type of animal at the What type of animal? prompt on a terminal, or she can go to http://localhost:1234/animal?type=kitten

Whichever she does, the terminal will read What type of animal? kitten (assuming she chose a kitten) and the program will then prompt the user on the terminal (and only the terminal) What is the kitten's name?

My thought was to use channels to go routines, but since both go routines will be stuck in a function call (Scan() for the terminal, ListenAndServe() for http) then I'm not clear how to stop the go routine that is still in a function call once the input is received. The normal method of selecting on channels won't work.

In C I'd just do a select(2) on the two relevant file descriptors (fd 0 and the fd from listen()) but I don't think that's how to do it in Go.

Note: I answered this down below. If you're down voting the question this I'd be curious to know why as I would have found the answer I came up with useful. If you're down voting the answer, I'd really be interested in knowing why. If it's non-idiomatic Go or if it has other issues I'm missing, I'd really like to fix them.

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  • dongtang5057 2018-08-08 13:15

    OK, I figured out a solution for what I was trying to do.

    This might not be the most Go idiomatic way though. If the channels took a struct with input source and the string I could probably toss the select and the webinput channel.

    package main
    import (
    func getHTTPAnimal(input chan string) *http.Server {
        srv := &http.Server{Addr: ":1234"}
        http.HandleFunc("/animal", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
            animal, ok := r.URL.Query()["type"]
            if !ok || len(animal[0]) <= 0 {
                io.WriteString(w, "Animal not understood.
            io.WriteString(w, "Animal understood.
            input <- string(animal[0])
        go func() {
            if err := srv.ListenAndServe(); err != nil {
                if err.Error() != "http: Server closed" {
                    fmt.Printf("getHTTPAnimal error with ListenAndServe: %s", err)
        return srv
    func getTerminalInput(input chan string) {
        scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
        for {
            input <- scanner.Text()
    func main() {
        input := make(chan string)
        webinput := make(chan string)
        srv := getHTTPAnimal(webinput)
        fmt.Print("Enter animal type: ")
        go getTerminalInput(input)
        var animal string
        select {
        case ta := <-input:
            animal = ta
        case webta := <-webinput:
            animal = webta
    ", animal)
        ctx, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
        fmt.Printf("Enter animal name: ")
        name := <-input
        fmt.Printf("Congrats on getting %s the half-%s
    ", name, animal)
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