dongxi5423 2015-03-01 11:15
浏览 47


I'm trying to use the stringer cmd so that I can generate String() methods for some int types. Here is how the code looks like

//go:generate stringer -type=MyIntType
type MyIntType int

const (
    resource MyIntType = iota
func myfunc(){

The error I'm getting on go generate command is invalid operation: resource (constant 0 of type MyIntType) has no field or method String which makes sense because there is no String method yet. How am I supposed to fix this error if stringer cmd is supposed to actually generate the String method? Should I use fmt.Sprintf("%s", resource) all over the code ? it looks a bit ugly to me. At least not as nice as resource.String().

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  • doujian3132 2015-03-01 20:27

    Each file must be parsed and type checked by the types library before the methods are generated. This usually doesn't pose a problem, since the String() method is rarely called directly, and is used by passing a value to something like fmt.Println that always checks first for a Stringer.

    You can either not call String() yourself:

    file: type.go

    //go:generate stringer -type=MyIntType
    package painkiller
    import "fmt"
    type MyIntType int
    const (
        resource MyIntType = iota
    func myfunc() {

    Or you can put the calls in another file, and pass only the files that stringer needs as arguments. With no arguments, stringer checks the package as a whole, but if you provide only a list of files, they assume that some methods may be defined in files not provided.

    file: type.go

    //go:generate stringer -type=MyIntType type.go
    package foo
    type MyIntType int
    const (
        resource MyIntType = iota

    file myfunc.go

    package foo
    func myfunc() {
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