duanbi3385 2017-06-07 07:22 采纳率: 100%
浏览 71


I'm trying to make a simple package to send SSH commands to a server.

I have the following code:

type Connection *ssh.Client

func Connect(addr, user, password string) (conn Connection, err error) {
    sshConfig := &ssh.ClientConfig{
        User: user,
        Auth: []ssh.AuthMethod{
        HostKeyCallback: ssh.HostKeyCallback(func(hostname string, remote net.Addr, key ssh.PublicKey) error { return nil }),

    conn, err = ssh.Dial("tcp", addr, sshConfig)

func (conn Connection) SendCommand() ([]byte, error) {
    session, err := (*ssh.Client)(conn).NewSession()
    // ...

My problem is on the two lines func (conn Connection) SendCommand() ([]byte, error) and session, err := (*ssh.Client)(conn).NewSession().

I can't figure out how to use the methods available for *ssh.Client from my overlaying Connection type.

I understand that I need to do some conversion, and using ssh.Client(*conn).NewSession() would work, but it copies the values of the *ssh.Client which doesn't seem to be the right method.

What should do to access the methods available for a *ssh.Client when working with my custom type Connection *ssh.Client type?

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  • douci4026 2017-06-07 12:39

    You can't declare a new type with a pointer TypeSpec. Also declaring a new type is used specifically to remove the entire method set, so you won't have any of the original methods from the *ssh.Client.

    What you want is to use composition by embedding the *ssh.Client in your own struct type:

    type Connection struct {
    func Connect(addr, user, password string) (*Connection, error) {
        sshConfig := &ssh.ClientConfig{
            User: user,
            Auth: []ssh.AuthMethod{
            HostKeyCallback: ssh.HostKeyCallback(func(hostname string, remote net.Addr, key ssh.PublicKey) error { return nil }),
        conn, err = ssh.Dial("tcp", addr, sshConfig)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        return &Connection{conn}, nil
    func (conn *Connection) SendCommand() ([]byte, error) {
        session, err := conn.NewSession()
        // ...
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