dongzen2675 2015-05-05 08:18
浏览 94


I have a txt file with the following sample data:

      Entry {
          id: "foo"
       Entry {
          id: "bar"

      Entry {
          id: "lorem"
       Entry {
          id: "ipsum"

It has +300 of those Entry values. I'd like to read the file and extract the id values belonging to the port section. It's not valid JSON so I can't use the json decoder, is there any other way of extracting the values?

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  • douqiao6563 2015-05-05 08:37

    If the structure is the same throughout and all you want is the id values you can do something like this (on the Playground):

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        // This will work only if ids don't have spaces
        fields := strings.Fields(input1)
        for i, field := range fields {
            if field == "id:" {
                fmt.Println("Got an id: ", fields[i+1][1:len(fields[i+1])-1])
        // This will extract all strings enclosed in ""
        for i1, i2 := 0, 0;; {
            i := strings.Index(input2[i1:], "\"") // find the first " starting after the last match
            if i > 0 { // if we found one carry on
                i1 = i + 1 + i1 // set the start index to the absolute position in the string
                i2 = strings.Index(input2[i1:], "\"") // find the second "
                fmt.Println(input2[i1 : i1+i2]) // print the string between ""
                i1 += i2 + 1 // set the new starting index to after the last match
            } else { // otherwise we are done
        // Reading the text line by line and only processing port sections
        parts := []string{"port{", "  Entry {", "      id: \"foo bar\"", "  }", "   Entry {", "      id: \"more foo bar\"", "  }", "}"}        
        isPortSection := false
        for _, part := range parts {
            if string.HasPrefix(part, "port"){
                isPortSection = true
            if string.HasPrefix(part, "host"){
                isPortSection = false
            if isPortSection && strings.HasPrefix(strings.TrimSpace(part),"id:") {
                line := strings.TrimSpace(part)
    var input1 string = `port{
      Entry {
          id: "foo"
       Entry {
          id: "bar"
    var input2 string = `port{
      Entry {
          id: "foo bar"
       Entry {
          id: "more foo bar"


    Got an id:  foo
    Got an id:  bar
    foo bar
    more foo bar

    Instead of printing them in the loop you can stick them into a slice or map or do whatever you want/need to. And of course instead of using the string literal you read in the lines from your file.

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