Here is my mongo collection in json :
"messages" :
"_id" : ObjectId("5c26844696b72e4b6c9ceee7"),
"pointer" : ObjectId("5c26844696b72e4b6c9ceee6"),
"messages" : [
"uuid" : "f03f7977-0b4e-11e9-9f95-144fd7c03810",
"content" : "Hello",
"uuid" : "78bb831d-0b57-11e9-a286-144fd7c03810",
"content" : "Yes",
I would like to update the "reportedTimes" value from a "pointer" and a "uuid". I tried many aggregations but without result like that one :
pipe := []bson.M{bson.M{"$match": bson.M{"pointer": knownPointer}}, {"messages": bson.M{"$match": bson.M{"uuid": knownUUID}}}, {"$inc": bson.M{"messages.$.reportedTimes": 1}}}
That one returns that I cannot use "$inc"
or that one
pipe := []bson.M{{"$match": bson.M{"pointer": knownPointer}}, {"$unwind": "$messages"}, {"$project": bson.M{"uuid": "$messages.uuid", "reportedTimes": "$messages.reportedTimes"}}, {"$match": bson.M{"uuid": knownUuid}}} then inc.
I even don't find all my attempts queries... I'm completely stuck... I also tried with Update(selector, query) but still cannot find the working and efficient way to do it. A little help would be appreciated. Thanks all.