I am trying to create a JSON array in Go with a struct using json.Marshall
however I cant seem to get the desired result here is the slice of structs I am working with.
posts := []models.Post{
models.Post{Id: 1,MediaUrl:"...", Title: "...", Slug: "...", ShortDescription : "...", Content : "..."},
models.Post{Id: 2,MediaUrl:"...", Title: "...", Slug: "...", ShortDescription : "...", Content : "..."},
And I am trying to marshall it into a struct that looks like
{"posts":[{"Id": 1,...},{"Id": 2,...}]}
But I am stuck at
[{"Id":1,...},{"Id": 2,...}]
I dont know how to get the additional {"posts":..}
around the json array.
How do I add this additional identifier to the json array?