dream989898 2018-06-06 23:17
浏览 310


After reading about the enormous image size reductions that are possible with multi-stage docker builds, I'm attempting to slim down the image size for a Dockerfile I have for building a Go binary. My Dockerfile is below.

# Configure environment and build settings.
FROM golang:alpine AS buildstage
ARG name=ddmnh
ENV GOPATH=/gopath

# Create the working directory.

# Copy the repository into the image.

# Move to GOPATH, install dependencies and build the binary.
RUN cd ${GOPATH} && go get ${name}
RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build ${name}

# Multi-stage build, we just use plain alpine for the final image.
FROM alpine:latest

# Copy the binary from the first stage.
COPY --from=buildstage ${GOPATH}/${name} ./${name}
RUN chmod u+x ./${name}

# Expose Port 80.

# Set the run command.
CMD ./ddmnh

The resulting image, however, doesn't seem to be size reduced at all. I suspect that the golang:alpine image is being included somehow. Below is a screenshot of the results of running docker build . on the Dockerfile above.

docker images

The alpine:latest image is only 4.15MB. Adding the size of the compiled binary (which is relatively small) I would expect no more than, say, maybe 15MB for the final image. But it's 407MB. I'm clearly doing something wrong!

How can I adjust my Dockerfile to produce an image of less size?

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  • dongpao2871 2018-06-06 23:41

    Buried deep in the Docker documentation I found that my ARG and ENV definitions were cleared when I started the final FROM. Redefining them solved the issue:

    # Configure environment and build settings.
    FROM golang:alpine AS buildstage
    ARG name=ddmnh
    ENV GOPATH=/gopath
    # Create the working directory.
    # Copy the repository into the image.
    ADD . ${GOPATH}
    # Move to GOPATH, install dependencies and build the binary.
    RUN cd ${GOPATH} && go get ${name}
    RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build ${name}
    # Multi-stage build, we just use plain alpine for the final image.
    FROM alpine:latest
    ARG name=ddmnh
    ENV GOPATH=/gopath
    # Copy the binary from the first stage.
    COPY --from=buildstage ${GOPATH}/${name} ./${name}
    RUN chmod u+x ./${name}
    # Expose Port 80.
    EXPOSE 80
    # Set the run command.
    CMD ./ddmnh
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