I'm trying to understand more about go's channels and goroutines, so I decided to make a little program that count words from a file, read by a bufio.NewScanner
nCPUs := flag.Int("cpu", 2, "number of CPUs to use")
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
lines := make(chan string)
results := make(chan int)
for i := 0; i < *nCPUs; i++ {
go func() {
for line := range lines {
", line)
results <- len(strings.Split(line, " "))
for scanner.Scan(){
lines <- scanner.Text()
acc := 0
for i := range results {
acc += i
", acc)
Now, in most examples I've found so far both the lines
and results
channels would be buffered, such as make(chan int, NUMBER_OF_LINES_IN_FILE)
. Still, after running this code, my program exists with a fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!
error message.
Basically my thought it's that I need two channels: one to communicate to the goroutine the lines from the file (as it can be of any size, I don't like to think that I need to inform the size in the make(chan)
function call. The other channel would collect the results from the goroutine and in the main function I would use it to e.g. calculate an accumulated result.
What should be the best option to program in this manner with goroutines and channels? Any help is much appreciated.