dongqi6964 2019-04-12 20:38
浏览 190


I have an interface

type Shape interface {
    area() float32
    circumference() float32

I want to create different shapes such as a circle and a rectangle, for the circle I need to know the radius, and for the rectangle the 2 sides. So the code for each is like the following:

type DataCircle struct {
     radius float

(*DataCircle) area() float32 {
    return 3.14 * DataCircle.radius * DataCircle.radius;

(*DataCircle) circumference() float32 {
    return 2 * 3.14 * DataCircle.radius;

Similarly we have code for a rectangle which implement the interface Shape, with the following struct

type DataRectangle struct {
     side1 float
     side2 float

I want to create many different Rectangles and many different Circles, each one has different radius/sides. In the end I want to put them in a single array and be able to do something like the following

for _, shape := range all_shapes_in_array {
    fmt.Printf("%f %f", shape.area(), shape.circumference())

In a normal object oriented language this is pretty straight forward, but how do I do it in Golang?

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  • doutian3269 2019-04-12 20:45

    As long as your DataCircle and DataRectangle structs implement the Shape interface you will be able to create an array/slice of type Shape and iterate through it.

    If you already have them implementing Shape then all you need to do is this:

    circle1 := &DataCircle{1}
    circle2 := &DataCircle{2}
    rec1 := &DataRectangle{1, 1}
    rec2 := &DataRectangle{4, 1}
    all_shapes_in_array := []Shape{circle1, circle2, rec1, rec2}
    for _, shape := range all_shapes_in_array {
        fmt.Printf("%f %f", shape.area(), shape.circumference())

    And it will work as expected.

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