duanne9313 2016-04-11 10:54
浏览 55


When doing go build github.com/.../foo from any directory, the compiled binary will be placed in the directory from which I executed the command. When doing go build /github.com/.../cmd/... I expected all of the compiled binaries to appear in my current directory. But they don't.

How can I compile multiple/all binaries of that package into my current work dir?

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  • duanchuan6350 2019-01-28 17:58

    As the issue 23616 states:

    The fact that go build doesn't build is counter-intuitive

    You will be able to get multiple binaries in your current directory when... the issue 14295 "cmd/go: go build should be able to write multiple executables" will be completed.

    But that will be for Go 1.13 (not 1.12, so late 2019)

    This is so close to working. I'm not sure why it doesn't.
    We should fix it for Go 1.12.
    Clearly -o can't be used with multiple binary targets, but the implicit "write to the current directory" should work, and instead it does nothing.

    There is a bit of discussion on the proposed CL, as well s the comment that the CL as implemented breaks go build -a std cmd.

    See CL 143139/ (CL = "Change List").

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