dongzen7263 2017-01-09 00:02
浏览 317


GOLANG gurus:

I know this might seem illogical, but here it goes.

I have to distribute a binary (which in this case would be a webserver) to other engineers for testing. To keep it simple, because they might not be developers, I wanted to see if there might be some automated way to pack images into a GOLANG binary ? I've done this static HTML pages in the past, and it works great.

Obviously, at first run I could unzip to the file system, but to keep things clean I was trying to see if anyone has any thoughts how I could stuff them into a binary.

Any Ideas ?

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  • dougan4663 2017-01-09 00:25

    You could use the same tools you used for HTML files... I'm assuming you used something like:

    Which essentially transform your files in go source code and the expose an http.FileSystem-like API for reading your data.

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