Have a problem using group_concat in a query made by my go application.
Any idea why a group_concat of FLOATS would look like a []uint8 on the Go side?
Cant seem to properly convert the suckers either.
It's definitely floats, I can see it in the raw query results, but when I do the same query in go and try to .Scan the result, Go complains that it's a []uint8
not a []float64
(which it actually is) Attempts to convert to floats gives me the wrong values (and way too many of them).
For example, at the database, I query and get 2 floats for the column in question, looks like this:
"5650.50, 5455.00"
On the go side however, go sees a []uint8
instead of []float64
. Why does this happen? How does one workaround this to get the actual results?
My problem is that I have to use this SQL with the group_concat
, due to the nature of the database I am working with, this is the best way to get the information, and more importantly the query itself works great, returns the data the function needs, but now I cant read it out because of type issues. No stranger to those, but Go isn't cooperating with me today.
I'd be more than pleased to learn WHY go is doing it this way, and delighted to learn of a way to deal with it.
SELECT ID, getDistance(33.1543,-110.4353, Loc.Lat, Loc.Lng) as distance,
GROUP_CONCAT(values) FROM stuff INNER JOIN device on device.ID = stuff.ID WHERE (someConditionsETC) GROUP BY ID ORDER BY ID
The actual result, when interfacing with the actual database (not within my application), is
"5650.00, 5850.50"
It's clearly 2 floats.
The same result produces a slice of uint8 when queried from Go and trying to .Scan the result in. If I range through and print those values, I get way more than 2, and they are uint8
(bytes) that look like this:
Not sure how Go expects me to handle this.
Solution.... stupid simple and not terribly obvious:
The solution:
crazyBytes := []uint8("5760.00,5750.50")
aString := string(crazyBytes)
strSlice := strings.Split(aString,",") // string representation of our array (of floats)
var floatz []float64
for _, x := range strSlice {
fmt.Printf("At last, Float: %s
f,err := strconv.ParseFloat(x,64)
if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error: %s",err) }
floatz = append(floatz, f)
fmt.Printf("as float: %s
", strconv.FormatFloat(f,'f',-1,64))
Yea sure, it's obvious NOW.