drzrzzkh462254 2018-12-15 20:26
浏览 127

在嵌套的XML Golang中解组属性

I've been searching everywhere and can't figure out the solution to this.

I'm trying to get an attribute of a nested xml tag from wikipedia, but have so far been unable to get the nested attribute. I'm specifically trying to get pageid from the page tag.

Here's an example of the xml:

<api batchcomplete="">
      <page _idx="25039021" pageid="25039021" ns="0" title="Go (programming language)">
        <extract xml:space="preserve">
          stuff about golang

Here are the structs that I'm using:

type Page struct {
    PageID string `xml:"pageid,attr"`

type Extract struct {
    Text string `xml:"query>pages>page>extract"`
    Page Page   `xml:"query>pages>page"`

but still extract.page.pageid comes back with nothing. Anything I'm missing/doing wrong?

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  • dongxian5735 2018-12-15 20:37

    Your structs should change to this :

    type Page struct {
        PageID string `xml:"pageid,attr"`
        Text   string `xml:"extract"`
    type Extract struct {
        Page Page `xml:"query>pages>page"`
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