dp518158 2014-10-17 14:00
浏览 39


I am getting JSON data from an external source. The field names in this JSON are not something I want to carry with me, so I am converting them to names that make sense to me using the json:"originalname" tags.

When I marshal such an object back to JSON, I naturally get the ugly (original) names again.

Is there a way to ignore tags when marshalling? Or a way to specify a different name for marshall and unmarshall?

To clarify, I have prepared an example in the playground and pasted the same code below.

Thanks in advance.

package main

import (

type Band struct {
    Name   string `json:"bandname"`
    Albums int    `json:"albumcount"`

func main() {
    // JSON -> Object
    data := []byte(`{"bandname": "AC/DC","albumcount": 10}`)
    band := &Band{}
    json.Unmarshal(data, band)

    // Object -> JSON
    str, _ := json.Marshal(band)
    fmt.Println("Actual Result: ", string(str))
    fmt.Println("Desired Result:", `{"Name": "AC/DC","Albums": 10}`)

    // Output:
    // Actual Result:  {"bandname":"AC/DC","albumcount":10}
    // Desired Result: {"Name": "AC/DC","Albums": 10}
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  • dpgkg42484 2014-10-17 14:15

    You could implement

    type Marshaler interface {
            MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

    from the standard library's encoding/json package. Example:

    type Band struct {
        Name   string `json:"bandname"`
        Albums int    `json:"albumcount"`
    func (b Band) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
        n, _ := json.Marshal(b.Name)
        a, _ := json.Marshal(b.Albums)
        return []byte(`{"Name":` + string(n) + `,"Albums":` + string(a) + `}`)

    It's admittedly not a very nice solution, though.

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