douxinghuai3150 2018-11-07 14:40 采纳率: 0%
浏览 95


I setup a breakpoint in my Go code with runtime.Breakpoint(), save the file (my editor, Atom with go-plus installed, runs go install . on save). Then I run Delve in terminal with dlv debug, and type continue after it starts.

When the breakpoint kicks in, I want to test a couple of things (basically to print reader's data via a bytes.Buffer). But, I get the following error

buf := new(bytes.Buffer): "1:5: expected 'EOF', found ':='"

and in general cannot do much more than print values.

Is it really not possible to do this sort of thing? I am used to Python's pdb where setting variables or calling functions is not a problem and I would expect Delve is capable of the same.

So, what am I doing wrong?

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  • dongshou1991 2018-11-29 19:37

    Not possible yet. Right now (2018-NOV) work is in progress on Delve, but unfinished.

    Go runtime was changed recently to allow this kind of call. Delve have a Github issue tracking the progress of such feature, but is still experimental and incomplete.

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