I had the same issue as https://github.com/golang/go/issues/26666 because I have a wrap function for my http requests.
Sometimes I need to request:
body := new(bytes.Buffer)
req("POST", "http://example.com", body)
And sometimes it's simply:
req("GET", "http://example.com", nil)
runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
I ended up with:
req("GET", "http://example.com", new(bytes.Buffer))
But I'm not sure if it's the right thing to do.
The function:
func req(method string, url string, body *bytes.Buffer) int {
req, err := http.NewRequest(method, url, body)
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
req.SetBasicAuth(user, psw)
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if resp.StatusCode > 500 {
time.Sleep(30 * time.Second)
resp, err = client.Do(req)
defer resp.Body.Close()
return resp.StatusCode
Updated function:
func req(method string, url string, body io.Reader) int {
req, err := http.NewRequest(method, url, body)
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
req.SetBasicAuth(user, psw)
resp, err := client.Do(req)
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode >= 500 {
time.Sleep(30 * time.Second)
req, err := http.NewRequest(method, url, body)
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
req.SetBasicAuth(user, psw)
resp, err := client.Do(req)
defer resp.Body.Close()
return resp.StatusCode
func checkErr(err error) {
if err != nil {