dpspn60064 2014-03-23 21:31
浏览 24


This is doing my head in, I cant figure out how to solve it;

  • I want to have a fixed number N of goroutines running in parallell
  • From a never-ending queue I will fetch X msg about jobs to process
  • I want to let the N goroutines process these X jobs, and as soon as one of the routines have nothing more to do, I want to fetch another X jobs from the neverending queue

The code in the answer below (see url) works brilliantly to process the tasks, but the workers will die once that tasks list is empty, I want them to stay alive and somehow notify the main code that they are out of work so I can fetch more jobs to fill the tasks list with tasks

How would you define a pool of goroutines to be executed at once in Golang?

Using user:Jsor example code from below, I try to create a simple program, but I am confused.

import (

//workChan - read only that delivers work
//requestChan - ??? what is this
func Worker(myid string, workChan <- chan string, requestChan chan<- struct{}) {
    for {
        select {
        case work := <-workChan:
            fmt.Println("Channel: " + myid + " do some work: " + work)
        case requestChan <- struct{}{}:
            //hm? how is the requestChan used?

func Logic(){

    workChan := make(chan string)
    requestChan := make(chan struct{})

    //Create the workers
    for i:=1; i < 5; i++ {
        Worker( strconv.Itoa( i), workChan, requestChan)

    //Give the workers some work
    for i:=100; i < 115; i++ {
        workChan<- "workid"+strconv.Itoa( i)

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  • duanmao9918 2014-03-23 21:50

    This is what the select statement is for.

    func Worker(workChan chan<- Work, requestChan chan<- struct{}) {
        for {
            select {
            case work := <-workChan:
                // Do work
            case requestChan <- struct{}{}:

    This worker will run forever and ever. If work is available, it will pull it from the worker channel. If there's nothing left it will send a request.

    Not that since it runs forever and ever, if you want to be able to kill a worker you need to do something else. One possibility is to always check ok with workChan and if that channel is closed quit the function. Another option is to use an individual quit channel for each worker.

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