In the current project we use Go and MongoDB via mgo driver. For every entity we have to implement DAO for CRUD operations, and it's basically copy-paste, e.g.
func (thisDao ClusterDao) FindAll() ([]*entity.User, error) {
session, collection := thisDao.getCollection()
defer session.Close()
result := []*entity.User{} //create a new empty slice to return
q := bson.M{}
err := collection.Find(q).All(&result)
return result, err
For every other entity it's all the same but the result type.
Since Go has no generics, how could we avoid code duplication?
I've tried to pass the result interface{}
param instead of creating it in the method, and call the method like this:
but the collection.Find().All()
method need a slice as the input, not just interface:
[restful] recover from panic situation: - result argument must be a slice address
Then I tried to make this param result []interface{}
, but in that case it's impossible to pass []*entity.User{}
cannot use []*entity.User literal (type []*entity.User) as type []interface {} in argument to thisDao.GenericDao.FindAll
Any idea how could I implement generic DAO in Go?