duangu1868 2014-09-22 22:54
浏览 328

MongoDB :: setWriteConcern默认值?

I have a specific question with the way the PHP Mongo driver handles figuring out setWriteConcern and setReadPreferences. From the documentation I gather that:

  1. You can change writeConcern at the individual insert, update, remove level.
  2. You can adjust the writeConcern at the connection level.
  3. You can use MongoCollection::setWriteConcern to set the default for this collection.
  4. You can use MongoDB::setWriteConcern to set the default for this database.

We are testing a sharded, replicated setup and I am wondering if I use MongoDB::setWriteConcern and later do an insert on a collection in that database without specifying any write concern will it default to the concern I did on the DB object itself?

Basically, if I set a default writeConcern, or readPreference for that matter, on a DB/Collection does that info get synced to the config servers such that all subsequent connections will default to those concerns/preferences if none are specified at the connection or query level?

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  • doudeng5218 2014-09-23 03:05

    If you use setWriteConcern to set the default, it will affect only the subsequent write operations within the mongo client/shell you are using.

    For example, open a mongo shell and type this:


    Now check the default in the same shell:

    WriteConcern({ "w" : 1 })

    Then open another mongo shell and getWriteConcern, you should see null value.

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