In my app, I receive a json from the client. This json can be anything since the user defines the keys and the values. In the backend I store it as string in the datastore.
Now i'm trying to override the MarshalJson / UnmarshalJson functions so that what I send / receive from the client is not a string but a json.
I can't figure out how to convert a string to json in go.
my structure
type ContextData string
type Iot struct {
Id IotId `json:"id,string" datastore:"-" goon:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Context ContextData `json:"context" datastore:",noindex"` }
example of received data
{ 'id' : '',
'name' '',
'context': {
'key1': value1,
'key2': value2 }}
how i want to store this Context field in the datastore as a noindex string '{'key1':value1, 'key2':value2}'
example of data i want to send
{ 'id' : '',
'name' '',
'context': {
'key1': value1,
'key2': value2 }}