duangan6797 2014-04-09 14:58
浏览 116


func main() {
    var val interface{} = 11
}//print out : <int Value>

But after I pass string,like "Hello" to val,it will print out the string itself. I notice that value struct has a method

func (v Value) String() string

It says that if v'type is not a string,it returns a string of the form "[T value]" where T is v's type,but,why not returning something like [int 11],I also know that I should append an Int() function to ValueOf() to get the actual value of val,but I do not understand the internal relationship between value struct,and String function and the Println function

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  • duan19805 2014-04-09 15:19

    I'm not a Go author or anything, but I think the design is a product of three properties of Go:

    • Getters commonly leave off Get source
    • The fmt package uses a String method if it is available. source
    • Interfaces are satisfied implicitly

    The first leads to the methods like Int, Float, Bool, String etc. All of these methods will panic if called on a value of the wrong type, except String. This is because String would be used by fmt, and likely many other packages to get a string representation of the value, and it is surely unreasonable for only string values to be printable. Arguably there should be another method which returns the underlying string instead of String, but that would mean less consistency in the api, so they chose the lesser of two evils.

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