dow46218 2019-02-03 03:14
浏览 110

使用Go111将helloworld部署到App Engine flexible失败

I'm attempting to deploy the helloworld app (source code here) to app engine flexible. When I deploy this without any changes to the code, everything works fine. But I want to use go1.11, so I changed the app.yaml to say

runtime: go111    # changed from runtime: go

and I get the error:

Beginning deployment of service [default]...
Building and pushing image for service [default]
ERROR: ( Your application does not satisfy all of the requirements for a runtime of type [go111].  Please correct the errors and try again.

This is not a very helpful error message and googling hasn't helped so far as well. What can I do to debug/fix this issue?

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  • dsgd5756 2019-02-03 10:37

    App Engine Documentation Go Flexible Environment

    app.yaml Configuration File

    runtime: go

    This setting is required. It is the name of the App Engine language runtime used by this application. To specify Go, use go, and it will default to the latest supported Go version; alternatively, specify one of the following supported release versions: go1.10, go1.9, or go1.8.

    I want to use go1.11, so I changed the app.yaml to say runtime: go111

    ERROR: ( Your application does not satisfy all of the requirements for a runtime of type [go111]. Please correct the errors and try again.

    Think about it for a moment. Is runtime of type go111 go1.11 or go11.1?

    Read the error message.

    ERROR: runtime of type [go111].

    Read the documentation.

    specify one of the following supported release versions: go1.10

    Which would make Go 1.11 go1.11.

    You used go111 and got

    ERROR: runtime of type [go111].

    What happens if you follow the instructions in the documentation and use go1.11 for Go 1.11?

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