dro80463 2018-07-29 12:38
浏览 777


Im using the following struct

type Str struct {
    Info    string
    Command string

And to fill data inside of it Im doing the following which works.

    return []Str{
        {"info from source",
            "install && run"},

Now I need to change the command to array

type Str struct {
    Info    string
    Command []string

And provide each of the commands("install" and "run") in new entry in the array, how can I do that

when I try with

return []Str{
    {"info from source",string[]{
        {"install},  {"run"}},

I got erorr of missing type literal, any idea what Im doing wrong

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  • dsfb20227 2018-07-29 12:41

    The correct syntax is the following:

    return []Str{
        {"info from source", []string{"install", "run"}},
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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