This is just an array of arrays in json. You can parse it using the json package:
package main
import (
func main() {
input := `[[1514771940,13345.7,13381.01,13381,13345.7,4.276442830000001],[1514771880,13332.12,13387.72,13332.12,13381,14.83685867]]`
var parsed [][]float64
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(input), &parsed); err != nil {
[[1.51477194e+09 13345.7 13381.01 13381 13345.7 4.276442830000001] [1.51477188e+09 13332.12 13387.72 13332.12 13381 14.83685867]]
You should check the API docs, they must mention what format the response is in. If this is over http, the content-type will tell you as well.