dua55014 2018-05-21 01:52
浏览 195


Given my model

type Criteria struct {
    CriteriaID      string        `db:"criteria_id"`
    CriteriaName    string        `db:"criteria_name"`

and controller

func CriteriaReadGET(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

    // Display the view
    v := view.New(r)
    v.Name = "criteria/read"
    v.Vars["criteria"] = result

One of the column in the result (query result from my model) contain html tags, which is generated from ckeditor or similar plugin.

When I pass the output to my template,


it shows the html tags like


How to show the content to looks like

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  • dta25920 2018-05-21 02:53

    I just got the answer from another post I got after I post this question. Here's the post: Go template.ExecuteTemplate include html

    All I need to change is from

    type Criteria struct {
        CriteriaID      string        `db:"criteria_id"`
        CriteriaName    string        `db:"criteria_name"`


    type Criteria struct {
        CriteriaID      string        `db:"criteria_id"`
        CriteriaName    template.HTML `db:"criteria_name"`

    Hope this help someone having the same question.

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