doujiu8479 2019-03-23 22:02
浏览 194

Golang JSON序列化/反序列化

I have a struct as follows:

type Node struct {
    Name     string
    Children []*Node
    Values   []string

I also have a set of json files describing my trees such as:

  "something": {
    "someblah": [
    "someother": {
      "someotter": [

How can I deserialize these files into the structs?

All the examples I found seem to require a different structure with named key/value pairs.

For this, the structure is key:

  • the key is the struct name
  • the map contents are children
  • the lists contents are values

I cannot understand how to map this logic into the golang json serializer.

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  • duanhuang2804 2019-03-23 23:04

    The easiest approach is to decode to map[string]interface{} and convert that to the desired structure:

    var m map[string]interface{}
    err := json.Unmarshal(data, &m)
    if err != nil {
        // handle error
    node := convert(m, "")
    func convert(name string, m map[string]interface{}) *Node {
        n := Node{Name: name}
        for k, v := range m {
            switch v := v.(type) {
            case []interface{}:
                nn := Node{Name: k}
                for _, e := range v {
                    s, ok := e.(string)
                    if !ok {
                        panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected string, got %T", e))
                    nn.Values = append(nn.Values, s)
                n.Children = append(n.Children, &nn)
            case map[string]interface{}:
                n.Children = append(n.Children, convert(k, v))
                panic("unexpected type")
        return &n

    The convert function panics when it encounters a value of an unexpected type. Depending on the requirements of your application, you may want to ignore these values or return an error.

    Run it on the playground.

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