dongpao1926 2017-06-30 13:24
浏览 1026

golang template.JS转换为字符串,template.HTML转换为字符串

I'm using "html/template".

How do I convert the value of a template.JS object to a string? What about template.HTML?

I have a struct where I store some js scripts and css code/files, such as: "HeaderCSS", "FooterJS". I load them to the header/footer of my templates. The problem is that I need to check if they are loaded, so I won't load the same script twice (each reload means a new script load) because I'm using append, in order to be able to insert multiple scripts. In this way, each refresh will append the scripts to the existing scripts.

My idea is to check if they are allready loaded in order to prevent loading them multiple times. I was thinking about using strings.Contains() function. But I can't do that since I don't know to convert templates.HTML and templates.JS to string.

Any idea?

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  • duandang2123 2017-06-30 13:26

    Per the documentation, they're strings. Just type cast to string:

    asStr := string(myTplJsObj)
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