duanfen2349 2018-06-05 13:22
浏览 494


Part of the JSON I'm trying to unmarshal has an array that can contain either strings or ints. How would I go about parsing this?

    "id": "abc",
    "values": [1,2,3]
    "id": "def",
    "values": ["elephant", "tomato", "arrow"]

I tried the following:

type Thing struct {
    ID      string   `json:"id"`
    Values  []string `json:"values,string,omitempty"`

Get the following error:

panic: json: cannot unmarshal array into Go struct field Thing.values of type string
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  • duanduan8439 2018-06-05 15:04

    You can set the type of the field Values to []interface{}, but you might have to use some type assertions.

    Here is a link to a playground where I use the data you provided: https://play.golang.org/p/ahePgggr8o1

    I will paste the code here anyways:

    package main
    import (
    type Thing struct {
        ID      string   `json:"id"`
        Values  []interface{} `json:"values,omitempty"`
    func print(values []interface{}) {
        for _, v := range values{
            switch value := v.(type){
            case string:
                fmt.Println("String", value)
            case int:
                fmt.Println("Integer", value)
            case float64:
                fmt.Println("Floats", value)
                fmt.Printf("I don't know about type %T!
    ", v)
    func main() {
        var t1, t2 Thing
        data := []byte("{ \"id\": \"abc\", \"values\": [1,2,3]}")
        data2 := []byte("{ \"id\": \"def\", \"values\": [\"elephant\", \"tomato\", \"arrow\"]}")
        _ = json.Unmarshal(data, &t1)
        _ = json.Unmarshal(data2, &t2)
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