I have an array with 3 positions, imagine it has the number 5 in all of them.
[5 5 5]
how can I pass it to a var in a way that it stays 555? just like this.
n:= 555
I have an array with 3 positions, imagine it has the number 5 in all of them.
[5 5 5]
how can I pass it to a var in a way that it stays 555? just like this.
n:= 555
The same way you would in any other language:
s := []int{1, 2, 3}
n := 0
for _, sn := range s {
n *= 10
n += sn
Playground: http://play.golang.org/p/SSemwbJuTz.
Edit: if you're planning to work with more that just single-digit numbers, the loop is a bit trickier:
for _, sn := range s {
shift := 10
for shift < sn {
shift *= 10
n *= shift
n += sn
This works with inputs like []int{1, 23, 456}
: http://play.golang.org/p/h1xsu9vtmP.
Look out for the integer overflow though.