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I have a batch file named cfw.bat which will accept 1 command-line parameter.
I need to invoke or open this batch file from my go program and not to run as a command within go (because command within Go is not considering window's commands).
This is my go code
foundationUrl := foundations.GetFoundationApiUrl(foundationNumber)
command := exec.Command("call","cfw.bat",foundationUrl)
fmt.Print("Executing Command >>> ")
bs,err :=command.CombinedOutput()
This is the error i get
Executing Command >>> [call cfw.bat]
Error exec: "call": executable file not found in %PATH%
Couldn't execute windows command.. If i directly execute using cfw.bat from go code, it won't work because the shell used by Go is only Linux / Unix supported
Please help on how to trigger the batch as a seperate window from my Go Program