douwen8118 2016-12-29 23:21
浏览 1079


In PHP we can do something like :

$result = str_replace($str,$array1,$array2);

Where $array1 and $array2 are array of elements, this makes php replace all array1 elements by array2 elements. Is there any equivalent to this using the Golang? I have tried the same php approach but it did not work :

str := "hello world"
array1 :=  []string {"hello","world"}
array2 :=  []string {"foo","bar"}
r := strings.NewReplacer(array1,array2)
str = r.Replace(str)

I know I can do something like :

str := "hello world"
array1 :=  []string {"hello","world"}
array2 :=  []string {"foo","bar"}
r := strings.NewReplacer("hello","foo","world","bar")
str = r.Replace(str)

That would work but I need to use arrays directly because the arrays of replacements will be created dynamically.

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  • douguaidian8021 2016-12-30 03:03

    I believe performance would be much better if you first zip both arrays in a single replacement array and then run just one replacer pass over the target string because strings.Replacer is fairly optimized for various cases and because the replacement algorithm would need to be run only once.

    Something like this would do:

    func zip(a1, a2 []string) []string {
        r := make([]string, 2*len(a1))
        for i, e := range a1 {
            r[i*2] = e
            r[i*2+1] = a2[i]
        return r
    func main() {
        str := "hello world"
        array1 := []string{"hello", "world"}
        array2 := []string{"foo", "bar"}
        str = strings.NewReplacer(zip(array1, array2)...).Replace(str)
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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