I assume you posted incorrect JSON and let's say it's '{"hello": "world"}
A struct has a predefined fields, and with arbitrary JSON coming in it's impossible to know ahead. The possible solution would be to convert it into a map.
var data interface{}
b := []byte(`{"hello": "world"}`)
err := json.Unmarshal(b, &data)
if err != nil {
As you print out the data, you'll probably get something like.
Which is in the form of map[string]interface{}
Then you can use type switch to loop into the map structure until you type assert all the interface{}
for k, v := range data.(map[string]interface{}) {
switch val := v.(type) {
case string:
v = val
fmt.Println(k, "is unknown type")
Map is an ideal data structure when dealing with arbitrary incoming JSON. However, if the JSON is generated from an SQL table with predefined schemas, you can use a struct with the same structure instead of a map.
type Hello struct {
Hello string `json:"hello"`