Here is Playground link Problem is similar to one that is on Playground.
Let's say I have a condition and need to do this:
if modelName == "a"{
model = models.A
model = models.B
where A
and B
are some models:
type A struct{
filed1 string
field2 string
and model B
type B struct{
filed1 string
field2 string
Fields in A
and B
has some same fields but mostly they reflect database table (document) and they are of same type (type struct).
When I say in front of all that:
var model interface{}
I got error:
type models.A is not an expression
I am doing this to avoid code redundancy in code if you are asking why.
Question is similar to this: How to return dynamic type struct in Golang?
Here is update for code:
b := c.mainHelper.GetModelBy("id", id, modelName).(map[string]interface{})
mapstructure.Decode(b, &model)
if modelName == "a"{
model.Photos = []string{"ph1","ph2"}
if modelName == "b"{
model.Docs = []string{"doc1","doc2"}
c.mainHelper.UpdateModel(product, id, modelName)
I know this is stupid and probably is impossible to do but is there and way to do this:
var model models.modelName --> somehow to concat modelName to this models?
I have two models Post and Product. Both of them has Photos field.
type Post struct{
Photos []string
type Product {
Photos []string
Now I need one function that will say this:
func () RemovePhotos(id string, modelName string){
//if modelName=="post"
//get model post with id
//if modelName=="product"
//get model product with id
//set model.Photos = []string
//update model in db
I can understand that I can not assign type but how to use this one function to remove data from differnt types? As far as I can see code redundancy will look like this:
func () RemovePhotos(id string, modelName string) return bool{
if modelName == "post"{
var model models.Post
modelWithdata := getModelWithId.(*model)
modelWithdata.Photos = []string
//update model in db here
if modelName == "product"{
var model models.Product
modelWithdata := getModelWithId.(*model)
modelWithdata.Photos = []string
//update model in db here
//it does not matter what I return this is just redundancy example
return true
As you can only difference is var model models.Post/var model models.Product
This is redundancy in code and it looks ugly but if there is no way around this then ok, i will have this one completed with redundancy.