dongtuo4723 2016-04-07 18:31
浏览 493


Here is Playground link Problem is similar to one that is on Playground.

Let's say I have a condition and need to do this:

if modelName == "a"{
    model = models.A
    model = models.B

where A and B are some models:

type A struct{
    filed1 string
    field2 string


and model B is

type B struct{
    filed1 string
    field2 string


Fields in A and B has some same fields but mostly they reflect database table (document) and they are of same type (type struct).

When I say in front of all that:

var model interface{}

I got error:

type models.A is not an expression 

I am doing this to avoid code redundancy in code if you are asking why.

Question is similar to this: How to return dynamic type struct in Golang?

Here is update for code:

b := c.mainHelper.GetModelBy("id", id, modelName).(map[string]interface{})
mapstructure.Decode(b, &model)

if modelName == "a"{
    model.Photos = []string{"ph1","ph2"}
if modelName == "b"{
    model.Docs = []string{"doc1","doc2"}

c.mainHelper.UpdateModel(product, id, modelName)

I know this is stupid and probably is impossible to do but is there and way to do this:

var model models.modelName --> somehow to concat modelName to this models?


I have two models Post and Product. Both of them has Photos field.

type Post struct{

    Photos []string

type Product {

    Photos []string

Now I need one function that will say this:

func () RemovePhotos(id string, modelName string){

//if modelName=="post"
    //get model post with id

//if modelName=="product"
    //get model product with id

//set model.Photos = []string
//update model in db

I can understand that I can not assign type but how to use this one function to remove data from differnt types? As far as I can see code redundancy will look like this:

func () RemovePhotos(id string, modelName string) return bool{

    if modelName == "post"{

      var model models.Post
      modelWithdata := getModelWithId.(*model)
      modelWithdata.Photos = []string
      //update model in db here
    if modelName == "product"{
      var model models.Product
      modelWithdata := getModelWithId.(*model)
      modelWithdata.Photos = []string
      //update model in db here

    //it does not matter what I return this is just redundancy example
    return true


As you can only difference is var model models.Post/var model models.Product. This is redundancy in code and it looks ugly but if there is no way around this then ok, i will have this one completed with redundancy.

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  • dongpi9164 2016-04-11 11:54

    This is your program from the edit with a interface type implementation:

    package main
    import (
    //// Interfaces ////
    type PhotoManager interface {
        AddPhotos(id string) (bool, error)
    //// Post ////
    type Post struct {
        Photos []string
    func (p *Post) AddPhotos(id string) (bool, error) {
        p.Photos = append(p.Photos, id)
        return true, nil
    //// Product ////
    type Product struct {
        Photos []string
        Docs   []string
    func (p *Product) AddPhotos(id string) (bool, error) {
        p.Photos = append(p.Photos, id)
        return true, nil
    // Useless function to demonstrate interface usage //
    func AddPhotoToInterfaceImplementation(id string, pm PhotoManager) {
    //// Main ////
    func main() {
        post := Post{}
        product := Product{}
        AddPhotoToInterfaceImplementation("456", &post)
        AddPhotoToInterfaceImplementation("654", &product)

    The moving parts here are:

    • the type PhotoManager interface that is used to define an interface with generic functions
    • the implementations of AddPhotos on Post and Product to provide the actual implementations of the interface functions
    • the usage of pm PhotoManager as parameter to AddPhotoToInterfaceImplementation to show the usage of the interface type.
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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