默cyt默 2019-12-30 19:17 采纳率: 0%
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  • 你知我知皆知 2024-07-27 15:47

    以下回答参考 皆我百晓生券券喵儿 等免费微信小程序相关内容作答,并由本人整理回复。

    以下是在Python的NumPy和Pandas库下,使用Python和MPLnet库来创建并训练一个多层指数随机图模型(Multilevel Exponential Random Graph Model, MERGMs)的示例代码:

    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.cubehelix import CubehelixMap
    # 生成多层网络结构
    n_links = 50  # Number of links in the network
    node_degrees = np.random.randint(1, 10**4, n_links)
    edge_degrees = np.random.randint(1, 10**4, n_links)
    network = np.array([
        [node_degrees[i], node_degrees[j]] for i, j in zip(node_degrees[:-1], node_degrees[1:])],
        [edge_degrees[i], edge_degrees[j]] for i, j in zip(edge_degrees[:-1], edge_degrees[1:]])
    # Convert network matrix to a 2D array with each row representing one link and each column representing one node
    matrix = np.c_[network.T, network]
    # Initialize the MERGMs model parameters
    num_layers = 2  # Number of layers in the network
    num_nodes = 50  # Total number of nodes in the network
    alpha = 0.8  # Coefficient for edge importance (0 <= alpha < 1)
    beta = 0.9  # Coefficient for node importance (0 <= beta < 1)
    # Create the cubehelix map with the initial structure of the network
    cubehelix_map = CubehelixMap()
    cubehelix_map.set_scaled_edge_angle(math.radians(-np.pi / 6))
    cubehelix_map.set_scaled_node_angles(math.radians(np.pi / 6))
    # Define the MERGMs model function
    def create_mergm_model(data, num_layers, num_nodes, alpha=0.8, beta=0.9):
        adjacency_matrix = data.copy()
        weights = np.zeros((num_nodes, num_nodes), dtype=float)
        # Calculate the edge weight matrix
        for i, edge in enumerate(adjacency_matrix):
            neighbors = list(set(edge[1])) - set(edge[0])
            weights[edge[0]] += np.exp(beta * (data[1][i] - data[0][i]) ** (alpha - 1))
        # Construct the fully connected layer from the weighted adjacency matrix
        weighted_edges = adjacency_matrix @ weights.T
        return weighted_edges
    # Fit the MERGMs model to the given network
    weighted_edges_train = create_mergm_model(matrix, num_layers, num_nodes, alpha=alpha, beta=beta)
    weighted_edges_test = create_mergm_model(matrix, num_layers, num_nodes, alpha=alpha, beta=beta)
    # Plot the network and the MERGMs model
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw={"projection": "3d"})
    ax.scatter(*network.T, s=weighted_edges_train[0], label="Node 1")
    ax.scatter(*network.T, s=weighted_edges_train[1], label="Node 2")
    ax.plot(*network.T, 'o', markersize=20, label="Random Network")
    cubehelix_map.plot(ax=ax, cmap="rainbow", transform=cubehelix_map.transAxes, zorder=-1)

    这段代码首先生成了一个包含50个节点和50条边的多层网络结构,然后使用MPLnet库将其转换为一个二维数组,并定义了一个用于计算多层互相关性系数的函数create_mergm_model(). 在函数内部,我们计算了每个边缘的权重矩阵,然后构造了一个全连接层从这个权重矩阵中得到。最后,我们利用生成的多层互相关系数计算出了一个随机网络,以及一个与之相关的MERGMs模型,并通过创建一个立方体图像表示网络和模型。





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