weixin_33721427 2015-02-18 14:26 采纳率: 0%
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JavaScript vs Ajax [关闭]

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                    <p class="mb0 mt6">Closed <span title="2015-02-18 16:55:28Z" class="relativetime">5 years ago</span>.</p>

I am new in the web-dev. I read both JS and Ajax but was confused, which one is better in terms of simplicity and performance?

We have lot of JS frameworks but do we have same in the Ajax?

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  • weixin_33691700 2015-02-18 14:27

    JavaScript is a programming language.

    Ajax is a buzzword that has come to mean the act of using JavaScript to make an HTTP request from a browser without leaving the page. (Originally the term was specific to requesting XML, occasionally people use it to discuss using other languages (like Flash) to fetch data from a page.)

    They aren't alternatives to each other. Comparing them is like comparing potatoes to eating.




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