weixin_33717117 2017-07-03 13:57 采纳率: 0%
浏览 29



last Monday my webserver(Debian 8, Postgres 9.3, Apache 2 and PHP 5) have crashed :( The good new is I have backup of the data :)

From then I was installing the new server with this enviroiment: Debian 8, Postgrest 9.4, Apache 2, PHP 5

Today the server it's working fine and I have restored the data on the Postgres tables.

In the website I have a page with a table that I load data of Postgres query.

I select row with checkbox and I click a button to update the select registers in the database using Jquery + Ajax + PHP


From I have re-installed the new server when I want update registers I don't show correctly. I have reload to page by hand to see correctly the updates.

For example: I select 8 registers, click the button to change a field, after it's executed the update.php only it's updated 6 and 2 not :( This happen at times, it's posible I select 8 and 5 good... or whatever

I use this code to reload the page after Ajax Request:

        data:{"estado": inputvalue, "id_fichaje": value, "saldo": arraySaldo[key]},
        $('#canviestat').modal('hide');                     //Close window modal
        $('#tableprod').bootstrapTable('uncheckAll');   // Unchecked all checkboxes
        window.location.reload();                               // Recargar página


I try a lot of things. Window.location.reload(true) -> without cache, also to redirect to initial page...

The php code:

        header('Content-type: application/json');


        if(isset($_SESSION['username']) and $_SESSION['username'] != ''){


                $conn = dbConnect("localhost", "5432", "-", "-", "-");

                $estado = $_POST['estado'];
                $estado = Estado($estado);

                $id_fichaje = $_POST['id_fichaje'];
                $saldo = $_POST['saldo'];

                $username = $_SESSION['username'];

                $query = "UPDATE produccion.estado SET usuario='{$username}', estado='{$estado}', fecha_mod=now() WHERE id_fichaje = '{$id_fichaje}'";

                $result = pg_query($conn, $query);


        } else{
        <div class="row">
              <div class="text-center">
                  <p class='errorLogin'>La sessió no està activa, si us plau login <a href="login.php">aquí</a></p>

It show this error in debug console in the register aren't upload correctly:

jquery.min.js:4 XHR failed loading: POST

Screenshot of debug network console:

enter image description here

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