weixin_33739646 2014-12-24 10:59 采纳率: 0%
浏览 29


In my laravel 4 project users can submit textarea data. I know I can escape user data with {{{ }}} in my views, But what should i do if i get the data with ajax ? It is a jquery variable i cant escape it with the brackets. For example if I handle response from ajax like :

$.each(response, function( key, value ) 

And the controller where the data comes from is for example.

$response = Data::all()
return $response;
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  • weixin_33727510 2014-12-24 11:31

    You can either do it with javascript (and you will find plenty solutions on the internet. e.g. the link @Thrustmaster posted in the comments) or you can do it in Laravel.

    When you use Blades triple curly braces {{{ }}} it compiles to a call to e() (which then calls htmlentities)

    So you can use e('string-containing-html') to escape the string.

    You could use a model attribute accessor for the escaping but I suppose you will need the string unescaped sometimes so here are a two other options:


    Override the toArray() method in your model

    public function toArray(){
        $array = parent::toArray();
        $array['attribute_name'] = e($array['attribute_name']);
        return $array;

    This way every time the model gets converted into an array (which is used for converting it into JSON=, the property will be escaped.

    Loop over it in your controller

    $data = Data::all();
        $d->attribute_name = e($d->attribute_name);
    return Response::json($data);



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