weixin_33721344 2018-01-25 12:20 采纳率: 0%
浏览 25

数组JS到php codeigniter [重复]

This question already has answers here:
                    <div class="grid--cell mb0 mt4">
                        <a href="/questions/18866571/receive-json-post-with-php" dir="ltr">Receive JSON POST with PHP</a>
                            <span class="question-originals-answer-count">
                                (7 answers)
            <div class="grid--cell mb0 mt8">Closed <span title="2018-01-25 15:22:27Z" class="relativetime">2 years ago</span>.</div>

I need to send an array of java script to php, this is the idea that I have made but it does not work, if you can help solve the problem or find another way to do it I would appreciate it. The idea is to reload the entire page again.
I have problems sending a JSON to a controller via AJAX, the JS alert works and the JSON shows me, but the controller is not receiving the data.
creation of 'actualizar':

var actualizar = new Object();
function myButton_onclick(x,id) {
   if(x.style.backgroundColor=='rgb(255, 114, 144)')

    x.style.backgroundColor='rgb(255, 114, 144)';

return false;


$id= array('id' => 'x' );
echo form_open("cursos/guardarmalla",$id);?>
<div align="center"><?php echo form_submit('','Guardar Malla',"class=\"btn btn-success btn-lg\"");?></div>
<?php echo form_close()?>
<script type="text/javascript">
      var aux = JSON.stringify(actualizar);
        type  :'POST',
        url: $(this).attr("action"),
        dataType: "json",
        data   : aux



function guardarmalla(){

    $datos= $this->input->post('aux');
    echo "Los datos recibidos son".$deco;


I regret having the variables in Spanish. I'm from Chile and in stackoverflow in Spanish I had no answer


I think the problem is that ajax does not cause the driver function to run


Investigating arrives at the conclusion that AJAX is not necessary, since I want to reload the whole page again, but I do not know how to send an Array or JSON they are the "submit" button to PHP

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  • weixin_33735077 2018-01-25 12:29

    In your ajax in js you need to correct code:

            type  :'POST',
            url: $(this).attr("action"),
            dataType: "json",
            data   : {'aux' : aux}

    It corrected structure of json variable

    Also instead alert(aux); add return false;. It is prepent of html form submit.




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