helloxielan 2018-12-02 03:53 采纳率: 0%
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Ajax code in laravel with controller:


namespace genericlothing\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use genericlothing\Tienda;
use DB;
class AjaxController extends Controller
      public function ajaxBodegasFind(Request $Request)
        $str = "";
        $Tienda = new Tienda;
        $Bodegas = $Tienda->find($Request->ctienda)->bodegas;

        foreach($Bodegas as $Bodega){
          if($Bodega->estado == "0"){
              $str = $str.'<option value="'.$Bodega->cod_bodega.'">'.$Bodega->direccion_bodega.'</option>';

        return $str;

Error image: error img

Array dd($Bodega): dd bodega

I do not understand what's happening, I'm a little desperate...

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  • weixin_33730836 2018-12-02 04:36

    It looks like you are trying to do a search on a new instance of Tienda model which will be empty.

    $Tienda = new Tienda;

    $Bodegas = $Tienda->find($Request->ctienda)->bodegas;

    Should be something like

    $Bodegas = Tienda::find(some value)

    You may need a namespace in front of model name

    Edit: I am not completely sure what you are trying to achieve but it looks like you are trying to populate a select from a query. If this is the case you want to use something like

    $Bodegas = Tienda::where(fieldname, value)->get();

    Find(value) will only return one record matching records id field. Hope this helps.




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